Health Office
The Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District Health Services Department maintains all student health records and conducts State-mandated screenings for vision, hearing, height, weight, blood pressure, scoliosis and tuberculosis. Recommended grade level physicals, required new student physicals and sports participation physicals are processed by Health Services. Evaluation of symptoms of physical complaint, provision of first aid, dispensing of medication, and health counseling are among the other health services provided to students.
Erin Flora
Nurse - MSN, BSN, RN, CSN-NJ - 7th Grade
Phone: (908)231-8661 ext. 677102
Lynne Traina
Nurse - RN, CSN-NJ 8th Grade
Phone: (908)231-8661 ext. 677103
Lisa Stazo
Health Office Secretary
Phone: (908)231-8661 ext. 677101